Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What Happens If You Don't Have Auto Insurance?

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What Happens If You Don't Have Auto Insurance?
By Billings Farnsworth

Have you ever been driving and thought to yourself how you really don't feel like you need auto insurance. Maybe you haven't been in an accident for years now or possibly ever. You feel like you have basically everything under control and are a cautious driver that is constantly aware of the situations around you as you drive. Well, the fact is that no matter how good of a driver you might think you are, accidents are called accidents because that is what they are: accidents. They occur when you least except it and probably were not intentionally done by either of the parties involved.

If you decided to be brave and go without insurance, you are surely setting yourself up for failure and a lifetime of problems. Yes, you may get away without having insurance for possibly even a couple of years. However, if you end up ever getting pulled over by a police officer or get into even the smallest auto accident, you will surely see the problems that come out of not having any insurance. If a police officer pulls you over and you do not have insurance, there is truly no way to get out of that. You will get a fine and you will have to show the court that you got insurance in order to not go to jail. If you get into an auto accident and you do not have insurance, then you can kiss your driver's license goodbye until you pay all of the money that you owe to the accident. That could take you years and years.

Arm Insurance http://www.insurancearm.com is an auto insurance. Billings Farnsworth is a freelance writer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Billings_Farnsworth

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